My father was born in 1938 in Hamburg/Germany, and was, for most of his life, what people hailing from that generation usually were, an “upright Social Democrat”. He left the party in 1999 after it became governing party under Gerhard Schröder and Joseph ”Joschka” Fischer and gave way to military intervention in Yugoslavia. The Social Democrats and the Greens became zealots for NATO interventionism, the result of which had been a country bombed to shreds under the pretense of “humanitarian aid” for Albanians from Kosovo who, in the form of the “Kosovo Liberation Army”, very well fought their own little war against the Yugoslav National Army. The result of the NATO-KLA-alliance: 35,000 air sorties, 6,500 civilians and 500 Yugoslav soldiers killed, 200 factories razed to the ground. Refineries were set on fire. 33 bridges, a large part of the road network and railway infrastructure were destroyed. Hundreds of villages were set on fire. In almost every city in Yugoslavia, government buildings, town halls, churches, monasteries, hospitals, schools, universities, kindergartens, sports facilities, museums, memorials, even cemeteries were bombed and often reduced to rubble.
Since then, the Social Democrats and Greens have done nothing but support military intervention of the Bundeswehr where they could, and whenever they were in power. Consequently, they stood by their US allies when they bombed Iraq to shreds from 2003 to 2011, killing an estimated 1 000 000 children. But “it was worth it”, as Clinton’s friend Madeleine Albright famously said.
Crimes against humanity in the logic of my parents’ generation were the result of deception. I cannot count the times that my father complained about propaganda as a form of inevitability, as something that “people were bombarded with as were people in the war zone with cluster bombs”. You couldn’t escape propaganda: about genocides, about WMD, about babies stolen from incubators. For someone who still remembers the Second World War, there was no other truth, no other reality than what the Stürmer or the Völkischer Beobachter told the people. When my father was only 6 years old, he passed a neighbour on the street and greeted him with a simple “Hello”. When the neighbour reported the incident to the school, his teacher punished him for not giving the Hitler salute when passing the neighbour. The punishment consisted in forcing the boy to write down the sentence “I have to take off my hat and show the Hitler salute” a hundred times into his notebook. “I had no idea about politics, but this is when I started hating Hitler”, is how my father remembered the experience.
When we think of the greatest mass deception in recent history, the Covid-19 fraud, and the transformation of the Western “free” world into authoritarian bio-dictatorships, the situation couldn’t be more different. The difference is, of course, the internet. From the very beginning, “alternative” media were available. Users on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, several US, UK, and German news outlets were critically commenting on the increasing scale of civil rights violations and the encroachment of the state into personal and private matters. Government lies – from the alleged “overflows” of hospitals due to Covid-19 patients to the numbers in the “official” death toll - were naturally more powerful, the inevitable crying nurses and military convoys allegedly carrying the remains of the Covid-deceased in Northern Italy added on their visual impact. But the information slowly came to light, even if only in doses – for propaganda works, and so does censorship. Today, however, we can safely say that the lies and motivations of the governments’ Covid-19 vaccination campaign have been thoroughly exposed. As Milosz Matuschek, an independent journalist and stout critic of the Covid regime from the get-go, rejoices:
“The paint [of the Covid narrative] has completely come off. Is there actually any Covid ‘certainty’ left that hasn't gone to rack and ruin? That the virus was the product of twisted scientific research rather than having come from a Wuhan wet market is what the head of the Covid Commission of the prestigious Lancet journal, Jeffrey D. Sachs, says today. He feels that his colleagues have been hoodwinked on this issue.
That the Covid vaccines were never tested to prevent infection was recently admitted by a high-ranking Pfizer employee in a hearing before the EU Parliament. This statement can safely be interpreted as a landslide: for it proves the talk of supposed protection of others, of life-saving solidarity, of the need for vaccine passports, as well as the rabble-rousing slogan of the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" to be mass deception without evidence.
Just a few months ago, the notorious German Covid emergency officer Melanie Brinkmann was allowed to proclaim to a mass audience on the talk show Markus Lanz that the transfer of the vaccine from mother's milk to the child is categorically excluded. In the meantime, the opposite has been proven. In addition, the top health commissioner of Florida, Joseph Ladapo, now officially warns of heart damage from mRNA vaccines in men between 18 and 39. In this group, the risk of cardiac death after vaccination is said to be increased by 84%.
Ursula von der Leyen's "Believe only the official information in the quality media" should now at the latest have disintegrated as thoroughly as the trust in the caste of vaccinators and pandemic drivers in general. Or not. Karl Lauterbach is currently promoting the fourth vaccination with a large-scale PR campaign. He is even doing this with Margarete Stokowski, an ex-Spiegel columnist who was vaccinated three times and subsequently fell ill with "long covid".”[1]
The irrationality of the last example is a case in point. Stokowski, probably the most insultingly stupid person in Germany today (precisely qualifying her for a job at Der Spiegel), proclaimed in said press conference: “I got boosted in January, immediately got infected and now suffer from Long Covid. So, get vaccinated everyone!”[2] This comes down to as much as saying: “I drank this herbal witch tea to be safe from shingles, immediately got the shingles and now suffer from Long Shingles. So, drink this herbal witch tea, everyone!” Those who are blind wish to see, but what do you do with those who freely choose to remain asinine?
And yet, it is too late. Not even the festival of insanity presented to us by way of vaccination propaganda – millions of “the shot got me really sick, which is precisely why it’s a good thing”-Tweets, the “it could have been worse”- idiocy, and the sheer anti-logic of “I got the shot so I can be free to do what I want” turned around those who want to remain stupid by hook or by crook. So while I would love to share Matuschek’s enthusiasm about the “truth finally coming out”, I cannot join the chorus of those who now see the real possibility of the comprehensive social enlightenment we so urgently need.
And that is because society is already completely divided. Nowhere have I seen a public debate about this lonely and sad fact. No one thematises its disastrous political consequences. Of course, celebrity politicians from Ron DeSantis to Sahra Wagenknecht have mentioned division, alluded to it, said that it’s terrible, but without much explanatory leverage. And yet, there is literally no one out there whose life is untouched by this social polarisation, or bifurcations of similar character: you cannot even become a cashier today without disposing your “solidarity with Ukraine”. The partisan has become the role model for thought which no longer qualifies as thought. Hence the success of censorship and cancel culture. It can only thrive in a society that is already divided.
Two things follow from this social division that is constantly reflected in our private lives: ideological purity can only exist for the price of giving up on one’s humanity. The demand to be one or the other entirely robs us of the elasticity of thought. Thought becomes rigid, a thinking in slogans. Second, and worse, the exacerbation or radicalisation of this particular kind of polarity results in the duality of rationalism vs. irrationalism. For the specific kind of society we live in has become divided into two groups - those who believe the Covid religion and everything that comes with it, and those who can put one and one together and know we have been lied to, a process that has nothing to do with an intellectual challenge. Hence, no argument, no data, no study, no survey will leave a mark on those who want to and will remain faithful subjects. When the US occupation army made the inhabitants of a small Bavarian town take in a tour through the Dachau extermination camp in 1945, some women cried, but many held their heads high and sneered at the “preposterousness” of mass murder happening at their doorstep. But what was “insidious” to them was not murder, but the fact of being confronted with it.
In similar ways, Corona’s witnesses today welcome the lie, embrace and endorse deceit, enwrap themselves in irrationality – and will never forgive us for pointing it out. They epitomize the Eloi in H.G. Wells’s Time Machine precisely by directing all their anger against us, not against the perpetuators.[3] In that sense, they follow the hollow beat of the drum, to be eaten by the Morlocks. The tribe of the Eloi is divided, but unless rationality wins over the irrational construct, we will all remain the Eloi. This is the burden we know we must carry: we’ll all be slaves unless we – the dirty unkempt conspiracy theorists with their awful “right-wing views” – win.
Let’s fight for it as though our lives depended on it – because they do.
Cover boy: Ian Curtis performing Joy Division’s “She’s lost control” at BBC 4 in 1979
[3] H.G. Wells’s brilliant story is the literary heir to Hegel’s Master-and-Slave dialectic from the Phenomenology of Spirit. The Morlocks, once the slaves/workers, have become the Master class. Their symbiosis with the Eloi, however, is more rational than the abyss that separates us from our fellow Eloi in real life.
Great piece- check out this article- well sourced- smashes apart virtually all aspects of the Covid fraud: