Lawyer's Fees, Beetroot, and Music
Lawyer's Fees, Beetroot, and Music Mini Podcast
The Origins of the IPCC and a Short History of the Climate Scare: Interview with Bernie Lewin

The Origins of the IPCC and a Short History of the Climate Scare: Interview with Bernie Lewin

EP. 8 of the LFBAM Mini Pod. I talked to author and environmental activist Bernie Lewin about the fake Science, CO2 nihilism, really bad humans, and the insanity of wanting to control the weather

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Bernie Lewin is the author of Searching for the Catastrophe Signal (GWPF, 2017) and numerous articles on the institutionalisazion of the climate scare. A philosopher of science by profession, he lives in Melbourne.

You can find his book here:

Lawyer's Fees, Beetroot, and Music
Lawyer's Fees, Beetroot, and Music Mini Podcast
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