A very good observation by Hopkins that he said that the voices opposing the measurements weren't called a "political opposition" but were defamed and named by and through unpolitical terms.

I attribute the fact that people have allowed themselves to be both taken in and impressed by this so quickly to the fact that there was a worldwide rapid course that one should really have been much more surprised about. But that did not happen. Instead, this synchronisation was seen as an act of solidarity on an impressive scale (through media influence, I think). A bit like in films or science fiction action movies where "the whole world and all governments are united against an evil enemy". The fact that people swallowed this so credulously points to a media "education", i.e. to a kind of perception of fictional content that one would like to take for reality. I think it is a fact that modern people are educated by films and fiction. Unconsciously, we remember things that never happened in real life, but are memories of cinematic scenes and dialogues, because the brain makes little distinction between fiction and reality when it comes to memories that are felt. So they represent an emotional memory.

The very fact of the dancing nurses makes it clear how much everyone wants to feel like heroes in the film.

Therefore, terms like "political opposition" in the form of a civic and non-party opposition are not very well known among people, I think. When people think of opposition, they immediately think of a party.

The idea that the demonstrations and protests, that the public appearances of the critics of the measures were exactly that in the eyes of those who were less critical and sceptical, was prevented by the media's narrowing of the terms to one extreme. If people like you and me were called "opposition members", they could not have been accused of things like "granny murderer" or "dangerous person" at the same time. According to the understanding, an "oppositionist" is not someone who is guilty of something, but merely exercises a democratic principle.

People in general are not very well educated in politics, I guess.

Most of my friends, ex colleagues and family members never read or dive deep into texts of political nature. Though I do not judge that. I didn't do it for the longest part of my life. So it's difficult to find someone on whose expertise and knowledge one can rely on. Ordinary people may learn to trust themselves amongst themselves more.

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Thanks, Erica, for this insightful comment. Would you like to elaborate the idea into a 2000-word piece? I think this is an important topic - the depoliticization of dissent - and I would publish it here.

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Thank you, Elena Louisa, I appreciate your reply. HaHa, I am rarely asked to write more instead of making my answers shorter :) I don't know though if I could turn it into a longer text. Let me think about it. I wrote in more length about the topic somewhere else. Would you like to be given the link?

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Yes please

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Great interview! Thanks xx

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Als Theorie meint Sozialismus die Vergesellschafung der Produktionsmittel. Ein Weg dahin waren Genossenschaften. Er wurde nirgend realisiert, Ansätze scheiterten, wohl auch wegen der Angriffe von den Feinden dieser Utopien.

Schon vergessen, die Verfolgung der Kommunisten, die ganze Repression wegen der RAF (heftigst unterwandert). auch stay behind (Gladio) in Italien wütend, um die Attentate den Kommunisten in diie Schuhe zu schieben, Wann verlassen Intellektuelle wie Sie es wohl sind mal die Ebene der Begriffe und Ideologien und wenden sich der Realität zu? und vor allem Wie kommen wir aus dem Schlamassel raus? free markets never existed! And what would that mean, be able to buy a nuke from next garage, no control about products like pharmaceutical.s? ooopss...what was that about the tests, the masks, the jabs...alll EUA free for everyone....yes and people wanted it . as much as possible, as soon as possible....an some few profitted. it had been the opposit of socialism. Sorry to say. You are naive! Elon Musk neuralinks (killing monkeys!), cars for the rich... not naive but very usefull

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Translation of first part:

As a theory, socialism means the acquisition of the means of production. One way to get there was cooperatives. It was not realized anywhere, approaches failed, probably also because of the attacks by the enemies of these utopias.

Already forgotten, the persecution of the communists, all the repression because of the RAF (heavily infiltrated). also stay behind (Gladio) in Italy angry to blame the attacks on the Communists, When do intellectuals like you probably leave the level of terms and ideologies and turn to reality? And above all, how do we get out of the mess?

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