Feb 15, 2022Liked by Elena Louisa Lange

As someone who kind of identified with anarchism for few decades, i find it fascinating that the idea that there might be something fishy with the state suddenly caring for our health so much, or that the division between the capital and the burgouise state is quite arbitrary, is all more alive within marxists (if we do not overstretch and call everyone influenced by illich, like agamben and david cayley, anarchists). Anyway discovering you and some writers around the bellows did help me keep my sanity in the time i was constantly thinking why are 90 % of my friends suddenly openly propagating nonsensical bullshit (stiftung leftists from berlin where i live and balkans where am i from, this difference being even crazier in balkan where outside academia and activists and more pretentious half of pmc class no one else accepts the narrative). Of course part of the answer is class interests, as i learned from my belated meeting with serious marxism. Sorry for a long post, but i feel i owe you a big gratitude for the tools to conceptualize this madness, even if i might use them wrongly. (After all I still am sucker for anarchism of landauer, goodman, ellul an illich type)

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Thanks for this. The former YU PMC class is the worst. NGOs sponsored by Soros, and you could easily see whose brainchild the whole "Otpor"-movement was. This is, indeed, about class. An outlet like the one I am discussing in my post is not even aware that we live in a class society, typically for leftists today. They think "caring for the vulnerable" while sticking a N95over a 2-year old's face is class conscious politics. This makes me sick.

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Elena Louisa Lange

You are so much right. There is a whole genre of rewriting the guardian infomercials sponsored by open society by putting some mistification of marxism in it that is celebrated as the cutting edge radical critique. Well this now sounds like Žižek. Even less sharper just imitate language of eu project applications in everyday conversations.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Elena Louisa Lange

I also got a lot from this substack in the early days. You packed so much thought and anger into each missive, and continue to do so, and gave me the tools to begin analyzing the messaging apparatus. Thank-you! I feel I’ve grown more intelligent and critical these past 2 years in part due to the excellent writing here. but good god, it seems most are going in the opposite direction. I think the fear drilled in to everyone closes down ppl’s critical thinking, as they begin to doubt their ability to think. This results in anger and frustration which is repressed and directed at the ones who are critical. These ppl (us) still capable of critical thinking are called far-right and worse simply as a means to make us stop thinking. It’s fucked up. Any thoughts on what is next?

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CBDCs. It's going to be easy now to persuade people to have it after mass hysteria has proven to be so volatile.

By the way: thank you for your nice words!

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yes, I have seen the senile effusions of Zizek, but I don't know Eugyppius, I think, though I would be hesitant, if I were you, to call him "easily one the best commentators" on my comments page...

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Elena Louisa Lange


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No worries. Tongue-in-cheeck.

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I have read Lasch, but not Goodheart.

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